Saturday 7 September 2024

 September is here. I'm looking forward to watching the unfolding of Autumn. 😍

The changing colour of the tree leaves and collecting conkers (which you are never too old for)!

This illustration is a hand painted watercolour for the September chapter opener for 

Homecoming, nature journal. 

Homecoming: A guided nature journal written by Melissa Harrison, Fully illustrated by me.

Published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, out in November 2024

Sunday 4 August 2024

August hand painted watercolour illustrations

August is here 😊
Ripening fruits and vegetables, harvest season for many farms, allotments and veggie gardeners.
I'm eagerly watching the ripening blackberries and sloe berries, planning my next foraging adventure. 
Which month is your favourite and why?

Thursday 25 July 2024

Watercolour illustration - Swifts Soaring high

Who loves watching Swifts soaring high in the sky? 😍

I tied to capture them on film while out on my walk the other day, but like their name, they are extremely Swift!

This is my hand painted watercolour illustration of a Swift, Swallow and House Martin and is a bit easier to see 😂

This is another illustration from inside Melissa Harrison's amazing nature journal

Written by Melissa Harrison 

Fully illustrated by me

Published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson

Out November 2024.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Foraging & making Elderflower Cordial

I love Elderflower cordial, every year i say that i am going to forage and make some. This year I have actually done it!

Thought I would share with you my first attempt. Very happy with the finished cordial, I would definitely recommend giving it a go. 

I used roughly 20 heads of elderflower 
500g of caster sugar
4 tablespoons of honey
2 lemons.
1 litre of water.

Melt sugar & honey in 1 litre of water. Gently bring to the boil, until sugar has melted

Grate in lemon zest and add the Elderflower to the melted sugar water.

Squeeze in the lemon juice from one lemon and slice and add the second lemon to mixture.

Take off heat, cover & infuse for 24 hours.

Strain cordial through muslin and add to sterilised bottle.

Enjoy! 😊

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Watercolour nature illustration for July's nature journal opener.

 Hello July! Lots to enjoy in nature this month. Look out for the Hummingbird hawk-moth 😍

 They are sometimes found hovering in front of tube-shaped flowers like Buddleia.

This is the final hand painted watercolour artwork from Homecoming: A Guided journal to lead you back to nature. Written by Melissa Harrison, published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, will be published in November 2024.

Saturday 22 June 2024

 Really enjoying spotting different plants and animals, with my new knowledge from working on Melissa Harrisons's amazing nature journal, "Homecoming".

Today on my walk, I found Dog Roses and Elderflowers.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Watercolour nature journal illustrations

Finished artwork for one of June's nature journal illustrations. Wild grasses and meadow brown butterfly. I have also included some of the photos and pencil sketches for creating the final artwork.

Who else thinks grasses are massively underrated? I love walking in open fields of long wild grass, blowing in the wind. That gentle swaying motion has such a calming tranquility, I could watch it for hours😊.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

British Wild Birds Watercolour illustrations for Nature journal

Some more of my illustrations from "Homecoming." The nature journal written by Melissa Harrison, published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

I'm a bit of a bird nerd, so very happy to get to illustrate lots of my feathered friends for this book.

This is a selection of some of the birds featured throughout the book. On the left are the rough pencil sketches which get approved by my client before I begin the final watercolour paintings

Thursday 6 June 2024

June - Hand painted Watercolour botanical illustrations

I love the month of June in the UK. There is so much to enjoy and appreciate in nature at this time of the year. 😍

This chapter opener is illustrated by me and it's from "Homecoming", the nature journal beautifully written by Melissa Harrison, Published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
(Due out in November 2024).

If like me, you love nature, this journal is absolutely amazing! You can follow along, watching and observing all the changes in the seasons unfolding around you month by month. I have learnt so much from working on this book with Melissa.

I will continue to share with you some more sneaks from inside Homecoming over the next few months. Stay tuned!

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Watercolour Dandelion clocks.

Who else loves a fluffy Dandelion clock? 

Did you tell the time and make wishes with them as a child?

Hope you enjoy this sneak peek of another illustration for Homecoming, the beautiful nature journal written by Melissa Harrison and Published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Hand Painted Watercolour Book Illustrations

I have some really exciting news, which I have been bursting to share! 

In November 2024, the fully illustrated nature journal I have been working on is published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

"Homecoming" by Melissa Harrison is a guided journal to lead you back to nature. You can begin in any month and carry on round to the start. It will encourage you to spot species, learn to recognise birdsong, mark the changing seasons and join in with citizen science projects.

The front cover features a wrap around design using my illustrations to show the changing of the seasons in leaves, buds and flowers.

I can honestly say, working with @m_z_harrison and @hannahbeatricecreative has been an absolute joy, this little book is stunning, I can’t wait to get my hands on it and share it with everyone.

I will also be sharing some behind the scenes posts and sneak peeks in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. 

 A lot more to come.....................


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